Monday, August 24, 2009

How to Create Good Passwords

Hi Everyone,

I always have problems with my username and passwords. There are so many accounts and different criteria for password creation ( like 8-16 digits , special characters etc ). What I used to do is create one password for my email, one for all banks and one for all useless accounts. I found something interesting while surfing,there are some websites which will ask to create account. Then use the same user-name and password and try it on Gmail,yahoo ,Bank websites. It normally works for about 40% of people's account.

So to overcome this I found some easy way to create strong , unique and easy to remember password trick.

Here are the steps.
1. Create 6 digit signature. Make sure to include at least 1 number (0-9), One small alphabet (a-z) and one capital Alphabet (A-Z). Also, make sure do not use any dictionary words instead use acronym. You can also use names but use acronym. Like use BO instead BarakObama. Here is an example of my 6 digit signatures Bo12Qn , pO40mK , 9KloM4 and A9nk8P .

2. Then to make it unique for every website , here is simple trick use any 2 letters from website name (webkey) and put it anywhere in signature. Here is example, for Bo12Qn signature on . I will use first and last letter of Google ie (G and E) and put it as first and last location in my signature . So new signature becomes GBo12Qne.For yahoo the password will be YBo12Qno, for aol password will be ABo12Qnl. You can put webkey anywhere in signature . But remember this position where you are writing webkey. It will be same for all the passwords.

3. Special character case (!,@,#,$,%,^,&,* etc). It becomes little tricky now. You do not require special characters in normal case. Because all web sites does not support it. With Captcha used every where it will be difficult for hackers to make hacking automated. But some of the websites do require special characters. You can use any of special character and store it in signature or after putting web key. Like G!Bo12QE, GBo12Qne! or put ! anywhere you like.

This made my password storing very easy and secure .
Hope this helps.

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